Our Music Library

We own a small selection of orchestral scores and parts (self-printed) from various pieces that SELO has performed across our seasons. These are available for loan to other groups and are listed below, and on the Making Music ‘Group Sheet Music Holdings’ site. Please get in touch via seorchestra@gmail.com if you would like to discuss a loan.

ANDERSON, Leroy………………………………Sleigh Ride

COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, Samuel………………..Christmas Overture

COLERIDGE-TAYLOR, Samuel……………….The Bamboula (Rhapsodic Dance No 1)

FUNG, Lam………………………………………….In Search Of – note still in copyright

KENDALL, Hannah……………………………….The Spark Catchers – note still in copyright

LISZT, Franz………………………………………..Hamlet Symphonic Poem No 10

MUSSORGSKY, Modeste Petrovich………….Dance of the Persian Maidens arr. Rimsky-Korsakov

PROKOFIEV, Sergei……………………………….Peter and the Wolf

PUCCINI, Giacomo…………………………………Crisantemi, for string orchestra

SCHUMANN, Robert………………………………Scenes from Goethe’s Faust: Overture

SMYTH, Ethel………………………………………..Serenade in D major (arr. Odaline de la Martinez)

WOLF, Hugo…………………………………………..Italien Serenade